Защита прав дольщиков в Москве и Московской области -
Shareholder protection
Only in rare cases, equity holders do not have difficulties at the construction stage in compliance with the deadlines for the transfer of the object, the quality of the finished housing. Problems can arise not only in the budget segment of development, but also in the construction of luxury housing.
Legal assistance to equity holders is required at all stages of shared construction:
when choosing an object, studying the terms of the contract and necessary permits, assessing the reliability of the developer;
when drawing up documents for the assignment of rights of claim (this is possible until the finished object is transferred to citizens);
when concluding additional agreements with the developer, including for extending the deadline for the completion of the facility;
in case of violation of the deadlines for the transfer of the apartment, when the right to a penalty arises;
when renting housing, conducting an inspection, identifying deficiencies and drawing up acts;
in case of cancellation of the contract or its termination in court, presentation of claims for damages, penalties, interest;
in case of bankruptcy of a construction company, recognition of rights to an object of construction in progress and recovery of damages.
Legal assistance to equity holders at Advisor
Until you have registered the rights to the apartment, it is impossible to guarantee the absence of problems with the developer. Even if the construction time of the house corresponds to the project and the DDU, at the stage of acceptance, shortcomings and quality remarks may be revealed. The situation will be even more difficult if the construction company stops work
at the facility altogether, files for bankruptcy and stops responding to citizens’ appeals.
We provide assistance to equity holders in Moscow in the following areas:
consulting support at all stages of construction, pre-trial, judicial
and bankruptcy procedures;
representation of the interests of citizens when signing contracts and other documents, in settling disputes with the developer, inspecting and accepting finished housing;
legal analysis and execution of documents that are needed to protect rights — agreements, acts, statements, claims, statements of claim;
assistance to deceived equity holders in courts of general jurisdiction and in arbitration,
in government departments;
representation of interests in enforcement proceedings, provision of services
for the collection and receipt of money from a construction company;
support for registration of rights to an apartment through the MFC and Rosreestr.
Contact us, we will explain in detail the requirements of the law and judicial practice in the field of shared construction, we will choose the best and fastest ways to protect.
Even if the dispute is resolved on a voluntary basis and without going to court, we will help to draw up and verify the necessary documents.
На предварительной консультации мы изучим обстоятельства дела и представленные документы, оценим перспективы обращения в суд или иных способов вашей защиты.
После этого будет заключен договор, без навязывания ненужных услуг или завышения расценок. Со стоимостью на основные услуги вы можете ознакомиться в разделе Цены на нашем сайте.
По всем возникающим юридическим вопросам мы оказываем консультации по телефону, через форму обратной связи и непосредственно в офисе Юридического Центра Advisor.
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