Акция: На текущий момент действующий акций нет
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ЖК Фили Сити -


The construction of the residential complex «Fili City» is carried out by the developer MR-groups . Geographically, this residential complex is located near the center of Moscow within walking distance from the Fili metro station, the Bagrationovskoye metro station or the Pobedy park metro station. In accordance with the equity participation agreements concluded, the shared construction facilities were to be transferred to the participants in the shared construction by April 12, 2021. However, the developer violated its obligations, and at the moment the commissioning permit has not yet been received.


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On the basis of which the equity holders of this residential complex have the right to collect a penalty for the delay in the transfer of their shared construction objects. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the collection of a penalty is possible for each day of the actual delay in the transfer of the object.


That is, the penalty is limited to the date of transfer of the object of shared construction — the signing of the act of acceptance and transfer .


Accordingly, the expediency of initiating the procedure for collecting a penalty arises when the house — the location of the shared construction object — is put into operation. Because by this moment it will be already approximately clear when the developer will transfer the object of shared construction.


If you decide to initiate the penalty recovery procedure, first of all, you need to send a pre-trial claim to the developer with a request to pay the penalty in a pre-trial order.


This claim is a prerequisite for pre-trial settlement of the dispute. It must be sent to the legal address of the developer in a valuable letter with an inventory. In the event that the pre-trial procedure for resolving the dispute did not bring results, and this happens in 99% of cases, it is necessary to initiate the litigation procedure.


On the basis of the documents that the shareholder has for the acquired shared construction object, a statement of claim is formed with a requirement to pay the penalty provided for by Federal Law No. 214. In addition, a fine is subject to collection the same legislation, as well as all legal losses incurred by the shareholder in the course of the lawsuit.


The statement of claim must be submitted to the court either at the location of the object, or at the place of the legal address of the developer, or at the place of registration of the participant in shared construction (either permanent registration or temporary registration can be applied here).


LCD "Fili City"


After filing a claim with the court, it is necessary to monitor the status of its acceptance for proceedings. And after the statement of claim is accepted for production, it is necessary to attend all court hearings that will be initiated as part of the process. As a rule, in this category of cases there are two or three court sessions.


Первое заседание является подготовительным. На нем дело по существу не рассматривается. Второе и третье являются основными заседаниями, на них дело рассматривается по существу, и выносится соответствующее решение о присуждении в пользу участника долевого строительства требуемой суммы неустойки и остальных косвенных исковых требований.


После того, как вынесено решение суда, необходимо подождать, когда оно вступит в законную силу и инициировать процедуру получения исполнительных документов.


Основным документом является исполнительный лист, который необходимо будет впоследствии предъявить в банк, в котором расположен расчетный счет юридического лица-застройщика для фактического взыскания денежных средств.


In the event that the developer company evades the transfer of shared construction objects after the house for the location of apartments has been put into operation, it is advisable to send a notification to the developer about the readiness to start accepting the shared construction object.


Do you have any questions?


This notice, just like the pre-trial claim, is sent to the legal address of the developer in a valuable letter with an inventory. For all questions related to the recovery of a penalty for the Fili City residential complex, you can contact our legal center. We can competently advise you on all collection issues.

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