Until 2020, the deceived equity holders tried to solve problems with the developer on their own: they prepared and filed statements of claim with the courts on their own, applied to the media to publicize the problems that had occurred. To help participants in shared construction in the Moscow Region, in 2020, a regional Fund for the Protection of the Parallel Desktop 16 Activation KeyRights of Shareholders was created, which helps protect the rights of citizens who are faced with long-term construction. In this review, we will tell you what the tasks of the Fund are, how it implements them, and what benefits it brings to equity holders.
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The Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Shareholders of the Moscow Region was established in April 2020 by the Government of the Moscow Region represented by the Ministry of Housing Policy, which is responsible for complying with the legislation on participation in shared construction and maintaining a register of deceived shareholders.
The purpose of the Fund is to regulate relations between construction companies and participants in shared construction.
The rights of the Fund were expanded after the adoption of amendments to the special law «On a public law company for the protection of the rights of citizens — participants in shared construction in case of insolvency (bankruptcy) of developers» dated July 29, 2017 No. 218-FZ. Amendments to the law «On insolvency (bankruptcy)» of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ were also adopted.
If the developer has significantly delayed the delivery of housing under the DDU to participants in shared construction, then new changes in the law allow equity holders to receive monetary compensation for such a violation of the contract even in the absence of contributions from the developer to the compensation fund. Members of a building society may receive a refund if the developer is in a state of bankruptcy. Previously, the fund could acquire the rights:
In addition, the amendments eliminated a gap in the legislation related to the transfer by a housing construction cooperative of the right to a land plot and a construction facility to the Fund in cases where the latter decided to pay monetary compensation to equity holders. The adopted norms allowed the Fund to complete the construction of an apartment building and sell the apartments and non-residential premises located in it.
A problematic house will be excluded from the special register only if the shareholder has received payment for the developer’s violation of its obligations or the object has been completed.
The register of troubled houses is formed from the number of buildings under construction, which are included if:
The register of problematic construction projects is formed on the basis of data from the UIIHS. And the data on such new buildings reflects the portal our.dom.rf, which is recognized as the official site. It posts up-to-date information from developers about their activities. According to the amendments, the Fund helps with obtaining compensation in the form of the cost of an apartment under the DDU to affected participants in shared construction in the event that the developer has violated the construction deadlines. Then the deceived equity holder has the right to receive a penalty for each day of overdue obligations under the contract.
The delay is considered from the date of transfer of the finished apartment under the contract of equity participation in construction. And the amount of the penalty is calculated based on the cost of housing under the DDU agreement, the number of days of overdue obligations and the key rate of the Central Bank. At the same time, an agreement with the developer must be concluded before October 20, 2017, provided that such an agreement is additionally secured by an insurance or surety agreement.
If earlier the fund turned to independent appraisers to calculate the cost of payments, now these amounts are determined by the human rights organization itself. The compensation calculation takes into account the market value of 1 sq. m of housing in a similar new building at the time of payment. But the amount of payment cannot be less than the cost of the apartment specified in the contract and paid by the deceived shareholder. You can receive payment for housing no more than 120 square meters. m. Separately, the Supreme Court issued an explanation for equity holders who bought housing in a house under construction at a discount, that is, at a price below the market. In this case, you can claim compensation at market value.
If the decision on compensation payments has already been made by the Fund’s supervisory board, then the equity holder who bought an apartment in a particular house can sign up for a refund on the website https://fund214.rf/pay_compensation/ . On this page, you need to enter your data and prepare documents: passport, snls, TIN, extract from the register of creditors’ claims. Next, the service will calculate the cost of reimbursement according to the above formula
Payments are made in rubles jointly with DOM.RF Bank, and no duties or other fees are charged. The service will request a code from SMS and write it down on the date of payment of the refund. It can be changed by calling the hotline 8-800-7007-214. If you additionally bought non-residential premises or a parking space, then the payment is calculated based on the value of the concluded contract. There is a bonus program for deceived equity holders who have received compensation for overdue obligations of the developer.
You can reuse maternity capital if you purchased an apartment from a troubled developer using these funds. As of March 2021, equity holders of six troubled apartment buildings can count on compensation.
Обманутыми дольщиками государство считает приобретателей жилья по договору участия в долевом строительстве, у которых возникли проблемы со строительной компанией, ответственной за сдачу дома с выбранной квартирой. На момент написания статьи количество обманутых дольщиков – более 200 тысяч, а Правительство РФ планирует решить эту проблему и дать всем дольщикам жилье к 2023 году.
Однако по мнению Счетной палаты РФ это оптемический прогноз, поскольку в некоторых регионах ситуация с недостроенным жильем критическая. А в прошлом году восстановили в правах на жилье всего 48 000 граждан, при этом скорость рассмотрения проблемы возросла в три раза.
Решить проблему обманутых дольщиков помогают последние изменения в законодательстве, которые позволяют более оперативно привлекать финансы на достройку проблемных объектов.
Такие покупатели должны отвечать нескольким критериям:
Как правило, застройщик нарушает сроки передачи жилья покупателю либо затягивает со стройкой объекта. Проблема обманутых дольщиков возникла еще до появления эскроу-счетов – тогда застройщики возводили дома за счет привлеченных средств от дольщиков и могли не рассчитать свои силы. В итоге строительная компания признавалась банкротом, а стройку замораживали.
Обеспечить всех обманутых дольщиков Подмосковья сданным жильем за счет фонда планируют до 2023 года.
Основная задача Фонда – обеспечить всех граждан-участников долевого строительства купленным, но до сих пор не сданным жильем. Фонд достраивает несданные объекты как застройщик и занимается развитием инфраструктуры вокруг проблемного объекта.
В информационную систему Фонда защиты прав дольщиков входит онлайн-портал, на котором жители Московской области могут узнать сроки сдачи проблемного объекта и конкретный этап его строительства. Портал запустили только в октябре 2020 года – его принципиальное удобство в возможности получить доступ к интерактивной карте, на которой отмечены проблемные объекты (по состоянию на март 2021 г. их насчитывается 11, а еще 13 домов будут достроены).
On the portal, not only the deceived real estate investor will receive the necessary information about the progress of the construction of his house. Any construction company can call the contact center and get an answer to your question.
Developers from other regions can upload documents on their object remotely to the site. A written application must be submitted only when compensation is paid for the failure to meet construction deadlines. In this case, the object should not be registered with Rosreestr.